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beibeidong | 2008-04-23 13:31:03    阅读:1077   发布文章

Application-Specific Integrated Circuit. A piece of custom-designed hardware in a chip. 专用集成电路。一个在一个芯片上定制设计的硬件。
 address bus (地址总线)
 A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripherals withwhich itcommunicates. The address bus is used by the processor to select aspecific memory location or register within a particular peripheral. If the address bus contains n electrical lines, the processor can uniquely address up to 2^n such locations. 一个连接处理器与所有外设的,用来通讯的电子线路集。地址总线被处理器用来选择在特定外设中的存储器地址或寄存器。如果地址总线有n条电子线路,处理器能唯一寻址高达2^n的地址空间。
 application software(应用软件)

 A software development tool that translates human-readable assembly languageprograms into machine-language instructions that the processor can understandand execute. 一个能把人可读的汇编语言程序转换到处理器可理解和运行的机器指令的软件开发工具。
assembly language(汇编语言)
 A human-readable form of a processor"s instruction set. Most processor-specific functions must be written in assembly language. 一种人可读的处理器指令集的形式。大多数处理器相关的功能必须用汇编语言编写。
 B BSP(板卡支持包)
 See board support package. 见board support package。
 binary semaphore(二元信号)
 A type of semaphore with just two states. Also called a mutex. 一种只有两种状态的信号。也叫互斥信号。
 board support package(板卡支持包)
 Part of a software package that is processor or platform-dependent. Typically,sample source code for the board support package is provided by the package developer. The sample code must be modified as necessary, compiled, and linked with the remainder of the software package. 软件包的具有平台依赖性的那一部分。典型地,板卡支持包的样例源程序由包开发者提供。样例源程序必须能在需要时被修改、编译并与软件包的剩下的部分连接起来。
 bond-out processor (外合处理器) A special version of a processor that has some of the internal signals brought out to external pins. A bond-out processor is most often found within an emulator and is never intended to be used in a production system. 一种特殊版本的处理器,它有一些,内部的信号能传达到外置的针脚上。一个外合处理器绝大多数情况下只用在模拟器上,从来不会被特意用在产品系统上。

