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beibeidong | 2008-05-12 17:21:17    阅读:882   发布文章

A hardware debugging tool that allows you to view the voltage on one or more electrical lines. For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently asserted. 一种硬件调试工具,它让你能观察到一个或更多电路上的电压。例如:如果一个特殊的中断发生,你可以用一个示波器去检测它。
 P PROM(可编程只读存储器)
Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be written (programmed) with a device programmer. These memory devices can be programmed only once, so they are sometimes referred to as write-once or one-time programmable devices. 可编程只读存储器。能被设备编程器写的一种ROM。这种内存设备可以被编程一次,所以它们有时被作为写一次或一次性编程设备来看待。
parallel processing(并行进程)
The ability to apply two or more processors to a single computation. 一种在单个计算机上运行两个或多个程序的能力。
Peripheral (外设)
A piece of hardware other than the processor, usually memory or an I/O device. The peripheral may reside within the same chip as the processor, in which case it is called an internal peripheral. 一种不同于处理器的硬件设备,常指内存或I/O设备。外设经常和处理器在一片芯片上,在这种情况下,它被称为集成外设。
physical address(物理地址)
The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory location or register. 当访问内存位置或寄存器时,在地址总线上的真实的地址。
 A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be suspended when a higher-priority task becomes ready. Non-preemptive schedulers are easier to implement but less appropriate for embedded systems. 当一个高优先级的任务准备好时,充许正在运行的任务被挂起的调度策略被称为优先。无优先的调度策略更容易实现一些但适合在嵌入式系统中使用。
A method of interfacing with hardware that involves repeatedly reading a status register until the device has reached the awaited state. Device drivers are either polling or interrupt-driven, with the latter being more generally preferred. 一种硬件交互方法,不断读状态寄存器,直到设备进入等待状态。设备驱动程序不是轮询的就是中断驱动的,后一种越来越成为首选的。
 Priority(优先) The relative importance of one task compared to another. 一个任务与其他任务相比的重要关系。
 priority inversion(优先转置) An unwanted software situation in which a high-priority task is delayed while waiting for access to a shared resource that is not even being used at the time. For all practical purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period. 一种不希望发生的软件状态,在此状态一个高优先级任务因为等待访问一个那时不再使用的共享资源而被延迟。在所有的实践目标中,这个任务的优先级在延迟周期内都被降低。


Melinda  2008-05-12 17:38:04 

