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beibeidong | 2008-05-05 16:21:28    阅读:1067   发布文章

interrupt latency(中断延迟)
 The amount of time between the assertion of an interrupt and the start of the associated interrupt service routine. 在中断发生和相关的中断服务程序运行之间的时间长短。
 interrupt service routine(中断服务程序)
 A piece of software executed in response to a particular interrupt. 响应特定中断而运行的一小段软件。
interrupt type(中断类型)
 A unique number associated with each interrupt. 和每一个中断相关联的唯一数字。
 interrupt vector (中断向量)
 The address of an interrupt service routine. 中断服务程序所在的地址。
interrupt vector table(中断向量表)
 A table containing interrupt vectors and indexed by interrupt type. This table contains the processor"s mapping between interrupts and interrupt service routines and must be initialized by the programmer. 一个表格,包含由中断类型决定的中断向量和索引。这个表格包含中断与中断服务程序之间的处理器的映射,必须由程序员进行初始化。
 intertask communication(进程间通讯)
 A mechanism used by tasks and interrupt service routines to share information and synchronize their access to shared resources. The most common building blocks of intertask communication are semaphores and mutexes. 一种被用来在任务和中断服务程序之间共享信息和同步它们对共享资源访问的机制。大部分进程间通讯的建立的基石是信号灯和互斥。
 K Kernel(内核)
 An essential part of any multitasking operating system, the kernel contains just the scheduler and context-switch routine. 任何多任务操作系统的本质部分,内核仅仅包含调度程序和上下文切换进程。
L Linker(连接程序)
 A software development tool that accepts one or more object files as input and outputs a relocatable program. The linker is thus run after all of the source files have been compiled or assembled. 一种能把一个或更多目标文件组合成可输入和输出的可重定位程序的开发工具。连接程序在所有的源文件都被编译或汇编之后运行。

