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beibeidong | 2008-05-13 11:03:07    阅读:1109   发布文章

A word that is often confused with task or thread. The crucial distinction is that all of the tasks in a system share a common memory space. Processes, on the other hand, always have their own private memory space. Processes are common in multi-user systems but are rarely, if ever, found in embedded systems. 这个名词经常与任务或线程混淆。至关重要的差别在于系统中的所有任务共享公共的内存空间。进程,另一方面,常常有它们自己的私有内存空间。进程在多用户系统中,但少有地,如有可能,也可在嵌入式系统中。
A generic term that does not distinction between microprocessor, microcontroller, and digital signal processor. 一个对于微处理器、微控制器他数字信号处器无差别的通用术语。
 processor family(处理器族) A set of related processors, usually successive generations from the same manufacturer. For example, Intel"s 80x86 family began with the 8086 and now includes the 80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, and many others. The later models in a family are typically backwards-compatible with the ones that came before. 一个相关的处理器集,常常连续地从一个生产商产生。例如:Intel"s 80x86族开始从8086开始,现在有80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium及其他。在一个族中,稍后的产品典型地向后兼容在它以前生产的产品。
 processor-independent(处理器无关) A
 piece of software that is independent of the processor on which it will be run. Most programs that can be written in a high-level language are processor-independent. Contrast with processor-specific. 一个与处理器无关的,并能在其上运行的软件。大多数用高级语言编写程序是处理器无关的。相对于处理器定制。
 processor-specific(处理器定制) A piece of software that is highly dependent on the processor on which it will be run. Such code must usually be written in assembly language. Contrast with processor-independent. 一个高度依赖处理器的软件,在上其才能运行。一些代码必须用汇编语言编写。相对于处理器无关。
Profiler(明细观察程序) A software development tool that collects and reports execution statistics for your programs. These statistics include the number of calls to each subroutine and the total amount of time spent within each. This data can be used to learn which subroutines are the most critical and, therefore, demand the greatest code efficiency. 一种报告你的程序运行统计数据的软件调试工具。这些统计数据包括调用每个子程序的次数和用去的时间。这些数据常被用来了解哪些子程序是最关键的,并且,由此要求使最好的代码有效率。
program counter See instruction pointer. R RAM(随机访问存储器)
 Random-Access Memory. A broad classification of memory devices that includes all devices in which individual memory locations may be read or written as required. 随机访问存储器。一个包含了所有每个地址能被按需读写的存储设备的粗略分类。

