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beibeidong | 2008-05-15 15:13:46    阅读:846   发布文章

Reentrant(可再入的) Said of software that can be executed multiple times simultaneously. A reentrant function can be safely called recursively or from multiple tasks. The key to making code reentrant is to ensure mutual exclusion whenever accessing global variables or shared registers. 可同时多次运行的程序的说法。可再入的函数可以被安全地递归调用或由多任务多次调用。使代码可再入的关键在于确保在访问全局变量或共享寄存器时互斥现象发生。
 Register(寄存器) A memory location that is part of a processor or an I/O device. In other words, it"s not normal memory. Generally, each bit or set of bits within the register controls some behavior of the larger device. 是处理器或I/O设备一部分的储存器的地址。换句话说,不是标准的储存器。一般地,在寄存器控制每一二进制位或二进制位的集控制大量设备的一些行为。
Relocatable(可重定位的) A file containing object code that is almost ready for execution on the target. The final step is to use a locator to fix the remaining relocatable addresses within the code. The result of that process is an executable. 包含几乎可以准备好在目标机上运行的目标代码的文件。最后一步是使用定位程序去整理保留在代码中的可重定位地址。这个步骤的结果是一个可执行的程序。
reset address(重启地址) The address from which the first instruction will be fetched after the processor is powered on or reset. 一个处理器上电或重启后第一个指令能被从之取出来的地址。
reset code(重启代码) A small piece of code that is placed at the reset address. The reset code is usually written in assembly language and may simply be the equivalent of "jump to the startup code." 一段被放置在重启地址的代码。重启代码一般用汇编语言编写并且可能相当简单,只是与”跳转到开始代码”这样的意思相同。
 reset vector See reset address. S SRAM(静态随机访问储存器) Static Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that retains its contents as long as the system is powered on. Data stored in an SRAM is lost when the system is powered down or reset. 静态随机访问储存器。一种在系统上电时以保持它的内容的储存器。当系统断电或重启时,保存在SRAM中的内容将丢失。
Scheduler(调度程序) The part of an operating system that decides which task to run next. This decision is based on the readiness of each task, their relative priorities, and the specific scheduling algorithm implemented. 操作系统中决定下一次哪个任务运行的那部分。决定基于每一个任务的就绪,它们的优先级关系,和特殊调度算法的实现。
Semaphore(信号灯) A data structure that is used for intertask synchronization. Semaphores are usually provided by the operating system. 用于进程间同步的数据结构。信号灯常常由操作系统提供。
Simulator(仿真器) A debugging tool that runs on the host and pretends to be the target processor. A simulator can be used to test pieces of the software before the embedded hardware is available. Unfortunately, attempts to simulate interactions with complex peripherals are often more trouble than they are worth. 一种运行在主机上,装作目标机处理器的调试工具。仿真器一般用来测试嵌入式硬件可用之前的软件。不幸地,与模拟与复杂地外设进行交互的尝试常常比它们做到的更差。

