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beibeidong | 2008-06-02 15:43:31    阅读:1009   发布文章

software interrupt(软件中断)
 An interruption of a program that is initiated by a software instruction. Software interrupts are commonly used to implement breakpoints and operating system entry points. Unlike true interrupts, they occur synchronously with respect to program execution. In other words, software interrupts always occur at the beginning of an instruction execution cycle. 由软件指令发起的的一个程序的中断。软件中断被用来实现中断点他操作系统进入点。不象真实的中断,那些中断在不防碍程序执行时同步发生。换句话说,软件中断常常在指令运行周期的开始发生。
An area of memory that contains a last-in-first-out queue of storage for parameters, automatic variables, return addresses, and other information that must be maintained across function calls. In multitasking situations, each task generally has its own stack. 一个包含后进先出队列的内存区域,用来存储参数、自动变量、返回地址和其他一些必须在函数调用中进行维护的信息。在多任务情况下,每一个任务一般都有自己的堆栈区。
 stack frame(堆栈帧) An area of the stack associated with a particular function call. 一个关联特殊函数调用的堆栈区域。
 startup code(启动代码) A piece of assembly language code that prepares the way for software written in a high-level language. Most C/C++ cross-compilers come with startup code that you can modify, compile, and link with your embedded programs. 一个汇编语言代码,它为高级语言写的软件准备好运行的前期工作。大多数C/C++交叉编译器在你可以修改、编译他连接你的嵌入式程序时与启动代码一起来到。
 T Target(目标机) Another name for the embedded system. This term is usually used during software development, to distinguish the embedded system from the host with which it communicates. 嵌入式系统的另一个名字。这个术语常常在软件开发期间使用,用来区别与嵌入式系统通讯的主机。
 Tracepoint (跟踪点) Like a breakpoint except that a counter is incremented rather than stopping the program. Tracepoints are not supported by all debugging tools. 象中断点,除了停止程序时,计数器还被增加外。跟踪点不是被所有的调试工具支持。
 Trap(陷入) An interruption of a program that is triggered by the processor"s own internal hardware. For example, the processor might trap if an illegal opcode is found within the program. Compare with software interrupt. 一个由处理器内部硬件触发的程序中断。例如,处理器可能在一个错误的代码在程序中被发现时陷入。对比软件中断。
 V volatile(动态) A value that may change without the intervention of software is said to be volatile. For example, values within the registers of some I/O devices may change in response to external events. C"s volatile keyword should be used to warn your compiler about any pointers that point to such registers. This will ensure that the actual value is reread each time the data is used. 一个可能不需要软件的的干涉就可改变的值被叫作动态。例如:在一些I/O设备的寄存器的值可能在响应外部事件时被改变。C语言中的volatile关键字被用来警告你的编译器那是一个指向一些寄存器的指针,请不要优化它。这个将确认在数据使用中的每一时间实际的值是要重新读入的。
W watchdog timer(看门狗定时器) A hardware timer that is periodically reset by software. If the software crashesor hangs, the watchdog timer will expire, and the entire system will be reset automatically. 一种由软件定时重设的硬件定时器。如果软件被破坏而挂起,看门狗定时器将超时,整个系统将自动重启。

